Are Liberals Anti 2nd Amendment?

— NO! Just against some of the ridiculous interpretations of it.

Let’s jump right in with an extreme example:
Should I be allowed to carry a 20 megaton nuke in the trunk of my car?


Well then, SOMEWHERE between a hunting rifle and a nuke we seem to be agreeing that there is a LINE.

A line past which “the right to keep and bear arms” no longer applies.
On one side of the line: I can own and carry a hunting rifle.
On the other side of the line: I cannot own and carry a city-killer bomb.

How do we decide where that line goes?



G.Waleed Kavalec

CEO & Founder at IslamAwakened. Hard core Sunnis call me a Quraniyoon; hard core Shi’a also call me a Quraniyoon; Me? I call myself Muslim.